It is proven that weight loss descreased the changes of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease ths increasing your life expectancy.
Use Isagenix in combination with CoolSculpting for ultimate body contouring!
Event Night featuring Isagenix!!
What is Isagenix?
Isagenix is a low calorie, whole body nutritional cleanse, focusing on good nutirion, weight loss, muscle retention, and slowing signs of aging while boosting your immune system.
"Isagenix: Cleanse for Life"
Isagenix can address all your concerns. It is no ordinary protein shake, it is a FULL BODY CLEANSE.
@ 7:00pm
Guelph Medical Laser
89 Dawson Rd Suite 209
Join us for an information
night on "Isagenix". Learn more
and taste the product.
No obligation. Friends/Family welcome.
**RSVP by Friday January 25th**
Why choose Isagenix cleanse?
Cleansing the body will strenghten the immune ststem, provide vital organ support, slow the effects of aging, reinforce liver function and restore antioxidants. Your body will be able to heal internally and you will feel incredible. You will enjoy more energy, better sleep, weight loss, and less stress too.
It is hormone free, antibiotic free, highest grade whey protein on the market, no sugars, all natural, wheat free, barley free, gluten free and 99.9% lactose free!
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