This summer alot of clients take a break from Laser Hair Removal, simply because it is very difficult to stay out of the sun (understandably). But now that the days of laying at the beach, hanging outside all day long are over... its time to come back and see us!
**warning.. I'm about to get tecnhical**
When the laser beam is transmitted onto the skin, the beam is designed to search solely for pigmentation (the colour in your hair, skin and eyes). It will find the darkest pigmentation first, being your hair but may affect the surrounding pigmentation in your skin IF you dont abide by the rule "staying out of the sun". If you have an active tan (meaning = 4 weeks old or newer) the laser may get distracted by it and not target the hair only. This could result in a temporay burn or small blister.
It is for your safety that we do not permet a tanned skin to be lasered. That being said, rule of thumb : consult with your technician about the safety and efficacy of your treatment each time, and discuss your recent sun exposure openly and honestly. :)
**Read more Q&A on Laser Hair Removal at this blog spot HERE**
Few facts about Laser Hair Removal (LHR)
- LHR has been FDA approved since 1995
- Any body part can be lasered, excluding the eye brows.
- Dark hairs are effected much more than light hairs
- White, grey or red hairs will not be effected by the laser
- There is no laser that can remove your hair in 1 treatment
- The LightSheer Diode (our laser) requires a minimum of 5 treatments.
- LHR procedures are completely safe when preformed by certified professionals in the appropriate environments.
- The LightSheer can not affect any muscles, tissues or even nerves within your skin and is completely safe to perform on any body part.
- The laser beam reaches about 5mm into the skin.
- Some sessions can be as quick as 10 minutes! (Lunch hour appointment?.....)
- You will see noticable results after just 1 treatment!
Give us a call to book your consultation or next Laser Hair Removal Treatment! 519-837-1897
Nice post, thanks for sharing a awesome information.
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