Monday, January 9, 2012

Taking Care of Your Skin in Winter

"Skin care in winter is a challenge for a lot of people. It becomes a greater challenge since the cold dry air removes moisture in the skin. A special care is needed to care for the skin which is the largest organ of the body." (

As the temperature starts to change from warm and sunny to cold and dry, our skin changes with it.

Winter is a big challenge for the skin. The cold winter air robs our skin of the natural moisture it holds and leaves it dry, tight and flaky. The humidity in the air lowers during winter months which greatly affects your skin, not just only on your face.

Arms and leg skin is usually affected first, feeling itchy, flakey and dry. If previous conditions of excema or soriasis are present, the cold often worsens the condition. When the skin becomes dry it may create fine lines in the skin, feel rough and appear dull and flaky. Your lips may also crack too.

Here are some tips for keeping you skin healthy during the winter:

1. Keep hydrated. Drink lots of water to help keep your skin's moisture level balanced.

2. Use creams, serums or gels. A heavier cream than your summer cream may be needed. If you are a very dry skin type, you may want to combine your cream with a hydrating serum.

3. Exfoliate regularly. Removing all the dead skin cells in winter is important for removing the dull and flaky skin. thus letting your radiant hydrated skin shine through :)
 A microdermabrasion is a great idea for exfoliating!

4. Wear Sunscreen. Even in the winter the sun is just as strong. We need to protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays. With snow on the ground, the sun reflects off it and does a double wammy on your skin. Prevent sun damage! SPF 30 or higher is recommended.

5. Protect your lips. A lip balm with SPF 15 will help prevent chapping and sun damage to the lips. Many cases of skin cancer occur on the lips.

6. Use a Humidifier. This will keep your room at a balanced humiditity, and will prevent dryness and chapping. Also can reduce the dry throats and cold associated with winter.

7. Excercise and eat healthy. Oxygen is great for the skin, and through exercising you can give your skin the oxygen it needs to maintain a healthy skin condition. Healthy foods keep your skin radiant. The extra water and moisture from fruits and veggies are great for boosting hydration.

Take care of your skin all year round! It is what protects your insides from the harmful outside world.  It is your largest organ! Treat it well :)

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