Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Compression Stockings

Compression Stockings are used to treat and control varicose and/or spider veins on the legs.

The Physician orders appropriate compression for the client based on their diagnosis. The client is then measured for the compression therapy stockings. They choose style, colour that are most appealing to them. Compression Therapy Stockings help to slow down the severity of their condition, but do not take it away. They incerase the circulation to the lower extremities by compressing the blood vessels helping the force blood back up the leg. The compression is strongest around the ankle and gradually decreases toward the thigh.
It is best to combine corretive treatment with prevention.

reduces superficial vein diameter
improves calf muscle pump
improves lmphatic flow
improves deep venous flow
reduces reflux and edema
reduces toxicity to deep vales

They are
Aestheticially pleasing
easy to apply
reduce symptoms
assist invasive treatments

Indiciations that you may need them
leg swelling, aching, tiredness
varicose veins
visible spider veins
DVT (deep vein thrombrosis)
prevention of travellers thrombrosis

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