Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Get your legs ready for summer!

Before its too late, come get your legs ready for summer!
Have annoying or unsightly veins?

What are some solutions to treating spider veins?
Theres an easy solution.. laser vien removal. Most spiderviens and telangiectasias (some red ones) are be removed easily with the use of a laser. Its rather quick and mildly discomfortable. Some veins, depending on the severity, can be treated with sclerotherapy (saline injections into the vein).
The most important method of treatment is Graduated Compression Stockings. These stockings help to prevent the veins from getting worse and from developing more. Depending on the severity of your veins, your physician may not let you leave the clinic without wearing Compression Stockings.
Your physician will determine which option is the best for you.

Treating your viens can relieve associated symptoms, prevent further complication and improve the cosmetic appearance of your beautiful legs :)

Why do we develope these veins?
The cause of varicose and spider veins is due to the increase in pressure within the vessel walls, which leads to incompetency in the valves. When there is a weakness in the vien wall or vaulty valve, the valve stretches and no longer closes properly. The veins become filled with blood

Factors that may cause spider veins:
Menopauce, change in hormones
Frequent flying
History of DVT.
The condition mor often affects women then men.

How does Laser Vein Removal work?
Simply put, the heat from the laser is attracted to the blood in the vein. When it makes contact, it heats the blood, breaking it down and collapsing the vien. Its then your bodies job to reabsorb it into your body.

What will my results be?
Some viens will disappear immediately, some may take a couple weeks.

Doesnt my body need these veins?
Telangiectasia (spider) veins are superficial and are of no use to the body. They body will not miss these if they are taken away. When treated,  the body fins another, healthier route for the blood to flow.

Prevention tips:
Maintain a healthy weight
Eat a healthy diet
Wear Compression Stockings to prevent from getting spider veins, or having them get worse.

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